Jan 08, 2025

The cordial wine culture of Mainz

Imagine this: It is a lovely summer evening at the end of August. You are walking through a beautiful and romantic park, illuminated by hundreds of little lights that move slowly in the warm evening breeze. Underneath the trees, people are chatting and enjoying Rheinhessen wine. This is what the wine market in the Great Wine Capital of Mainz feels like!
The Mainz wine market

The Mainz wine market drucing the day.

In Germany, the people of Mainz and Rheinhessen are famous for their love of festivals and folklore. Distinguished by their cordiality and playful nature they are always ready to enjoy life. So naturally, this state of mind carries over to the world of wine as well. For ages, the citizens of Mainz have met casually on the street, chatting and enjoying a glass of Rheinhessen wine on the side. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this tradition inspired the Mainzer Weinmarkt (Mainz wine market).

History of the wine market

It was introduced in 1932 by the tourist board to boost the local economy and has become an integral part of local festivities. After several location changes, it has been held in the city park of Mainz since 1965. It is a truly picturesque setting for such a festival. The event takes place on two weekends in August and September each year.

What makes the wine market special is the easy-going mentality of the locals and its relaxed setting out in nature. Ever since, it enchants tourists and locals alike with excellent local wines in the down-to-earth setting of the central park of Mainz.

Vineyard hikes

Another important part of Rheinhessen wine folklore are the Weinwanderungen (vineyard hikes). In Rheinhessen, the traditional vineyard hike refers to a hike through the vineyards. There are multiple stops along the way to try different wines. This tradition goes back to old times, when the farm workers used to drink wine in the vineyard during the season of grape picking. Today, wine hikes are popular among locals and tourists alike and have become an important part of local wine culture.

Typically organized by local wineries, they guide their guests through their property and elaborate their approach to vinification and farm life in general. This is a great way to improve your knowledge about the process of winemaking! After several stops, the group usually returns to the cellars of the winery, where they eat a little snack. If you love wine and the outdoors, you should definitely try a vineyard hike.

These are just two of the most famous wine-related events in the Mainz / Rheinhessen area. There are a lot more that would not fit into this brief article. The best way to get to know them is to simply visit us and to explore the heartland of German wine culture by yourself.

Learn more about Mainz | Rheinhessen Great Wine Capital

Rheinhessen wine website