Jun 05, 2024


The Blind Dinner offered by Chef Marisa Ortiz is a five-step itinerant experience. Marisa and her team invite their guests to enjoy the menu suppressing the sense of sight to boost the other senses. The dishes go hand in hand with the best wines from Mendoza.

Blind dinners are innovative gastronomic experiences that connect us with the food and wine in a unique way, very different from the way we usually relate to food. The result: an enhanced experience.
This is a must-do in Mendoza, where chef Marisa Ortiz offers this experience weekly at the Postales de Chacras restaurant. She also organizes it in wineries, hotels or in a pop-up format, in private homes.

Turning off the sight, the other senses become more acute: textures, aromas and sounds take center stage. Every bite and sip counts, they are the steps of a journey of rediscovery, in which blindfolded diners enjoy five exquisitely prepared steps, each carefully paired with outstanding wines from Mendoza, to enhance the flavors and awaken the senses.

Ortiz tells us that, in the case of the itinerant format of the proposal, she coordinates with the host the details of the experience, taking into account the pairing, the season and the spirit of each venue.

In the case of wineries, Ortiz and her team adapt the menu to the wines and what the winery wants to highlight, such as its history, venues and/or products. After a reception, where the guests are received and the details of the game are explained, the organizers blindfold the diners, thus beginning the culinary adventure. Guests are guided blindly to the place where the dinner will be served. The experience is completed with ambient aromas and music selected especially for each occasion, in order to harmonize with the dishes and the different moments of the dinner. Five steps, five wines, talks, laughter and sensations are the stars of the nights. After the last step, diners take off their masks and discover where they are sitting. Next, the chef shows them each of the dishes, their ingredients and the wines that accompanied the food. Blind Dinners can be held in Spanish, English or Italian.

“The moment of removing the masks is very interesting, because they don’t know where they were sitting during the entire experience. So it’s very nice, because they see each other, they’re surprised, normally they laugh. The experience ends with an after-dinner coffee without masks and the presentation of the dishes served during the event,” Marisa concludes enthusiastically.










Interview, texts and photo credits: EMETUR, Tourism Board of Mendoza