Nov 20, 2023

Second trophy of the best Escargot Rouge !

Following the success of the first edition in Zurich, the second edition of the "Best Escargot Rouge" trophy was held on Thursday, November 9, in Aigle, as part of the new Divinum trade show.

The Escargot Rouge, a growing success

A strong brand in the canton of Vaud, the Escargot Rouge aims to promote Vaud red wines by creating synergy between the wineries that produce them, each benefiting from the work and promotion of the other. In a very short space of time, the Escargot Rouge has become one of Switzerland’s best-selling red wines. Produced by dozens of wineries, Escargot Rouge is offered in two distinct ranges: Original (round and fruity) and Sélection (structured and full-bodied).


The results

This year’s tasting competition was open to the general public, thanks to a tasting panel of some sixty people. Composed of media representatives, influencers, oenologists, wine and wine tourism personalities and a selection of individual wine lovers (chosen by lottery), the jury selected the winners.

Winner of the Original Category :

Selection Category Winner :

The Office des Vins Vaudois (The Vaud wines promotion office) thanked all the producing wineries and congratulated the two winners on their commitment to this collective project for Vaud wines

An evening highlighting Vaud wines

To enliven this unique evening, chef and food historian Philippe Ligron had the honor of acting as Master of Ceremonies. These humorous touches enlivened the evening’s tasting and brightened up the audience.


A growing competition

The finalists were carefully selected by a jury of Terravin experts, following a pre-selection process in October. In the end, 4 finalists in each category (Original and Sélection) were presented to the jury.

For this second edition, over 19 entries were received from producers and wineries, presenting a total of 21 wines (10 wines in the Original category and 11 in the Sélection category). This participation rate represents a significant increase on the previous year, demonstrating the growing interest of producers in this popular competition.

The competition was organized by GWS – Aux Services du Vin SA, a Swiss company specializing in the organization of tastings, thus guaranteeing high quality standards. The lucky winner in each category went home with an Escargot Rouge trophy and a gift voucher from Maison Payot, also present at Divinum with its bookshop.


Learn more about Lausanne Great Wine Capital

©Escargot Rouge