
International Research Grant
About the grant

International Research Grant

The goal of the Grant is to support research that delivers practical insight to the wine tourism sector in the GWC regions, while also advancing academic knowledge on this topic.
In addition to receiving the Grant, the Recipients will have the opportunity to present their work at the GWC Annual General Meeting.

The Great Wine Capitals – Global Network announces the launch of a new edition of the International Research Project to promote excellence and innovation in wine tourism research that addresses industry needs. Two grants of € 7.500 each will be awarded to two applicants who will offer the best academic research with significant practical implications in this area.

The Research Grant is € 7500 per scholarship

A sum of € 3,500 is paid to the Grant Recipients after the selection process. The remaining € 4,000 is paid upon the submission of the final report.

An additional budget of UP TO € 2,000 is provided to the Grant Recipients to cover travel expenses to attend the AGM in person. In case the Grant Recipients cannot make it to the AGM, an additional budget of UP TO € 1,000 is provided to produce a 20-minutes high-quality visual presentation of the outcomes of the research. (Reimbursement of expenses based on receipts).


The Grant Recipients must provide two reports:

  • An INTERMEDIARY REPORT in Word format including the introduction, literature review, methodology, sample and, possibly, preliminary results in English of a maximum of 2,000 words should be sent to the Permanent Secretary of Great Wine Capitals Global Network. Feedback on this report will be sent to the author within a month of receipt.
  • A FINAL REPORT in Word format including the introduction, literature review, methodology, sample, results, practical implications and conclusions in English of 6,000-8,000 words must be sent to the Permanent Secretary of Great Wine Capitals Global Network. The Final Report will be published on the Great Wine Capitals website.


It is envisaged that the Grant Recipient will go on to present and publish the results of their research. This is strongly encouraged, with the provision that the project results are presented first at the 2025 Great Wine Capitals AGM. The Grant Recipient can negotiate the possibility of presenting the research at other academic conferences prior to the 2025 Great Wine Capitals AGM, but they must seek approval from the Coordinator of the Activities and Partnership Working Group.
In addition, in any publications derived from the project, the grant recipients must acknowledge that the work has been partly or completely funded by the Great Wine Capitals Global Network. The acknowledgment must include a reference and link to the GWC website.

A copy of these publications is expected to be sent to the Permanent Secretary of Great Wine Capitals Global Network.


The Grant is open to students (e.g., Undergraduate or Postgraduate) and early-career researchers (e.g., 5 years from the obtainment of a Ph.D. title) who will be enrolled at/working for an academic or research institution for at least 12 months from the time the Grant Recipients are announced and are undertaking research in the broad subject area of wine tourism with direct relevance to at least one of the Great Wine Capitals


To be eligible for the grant in 2024-2025, the research project must address issues broadly related to the area of wine tourism and must be of direct relevance to at least one of the Great Wine Capital regions. While the project might form part of a bigger research project, the portion of the project funded by this Research Grant needs to be identifiable in the application.


Applications are judged based on the following criteria by the members of the Activities & Partnership Working Group:

  • 30% Potential impact for Great Wine Capitals Network
  • 25% Originality and innovation
  • 25% Significance/implications for theory and practice
  • 20% Conceptual & methodological rigour

Particular attention is given to the following issues:

  • The applicability of the topic to the GWC Network and its value to the wine and tourism industries
  • Appropriate use of the Project funds (as assessed in the budget)


Grant opens: 15th March 2025
Application deadline: 31st May 2025
Recipients announced: 15th September 2025
Intermediary report due 15th February 2026
Final report due: 31st August 2026
Presentation of the results: AGM 2026


The Grant Recipient(s) must declare to be the author of the presented report and guarantee the GWC Network against any third-party claim on the work presented.

The Grant Recipient grants to GWC a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide licence to use, adapt and reproduce the Intermediary Report and the Final Report for GWC’s internal purposes including management of research grants and other programs, promotion of GWC and its members, and capacity building in wine business and tourism; the licence excludes commercial exploitation of any intellectual property subsisting in the Intermediary Report and the Final Report.


Dr Armando Maria Corsi · [Coordinator]

International Research Grant Coordinator – Great Wine Capitals

Mrs Catherine Leparmentier · [Permanent Secretary]

Great Wine Capitals