Aug 06, 2024

The Verde Sentido International Wine Tourism Conference will have the seal of approval of the Great Wine Capitals.

The Association of Municipalities of Douro and Tâmega and the Business Association of Amarante, as part of their "Verde Sentido" wine tourism project, are holding a conference in Amarante (northern Portugal) on 3 and 4 October, which has been awarded the seal of approval of the Great Wine Capitals Global Network.

Logo AMDTPortugal considers wine tourism to be a priority for the development of tourism in the country, which is why an Action Programme for Wine Tourism 2019-2021 has been drawn up as a starting point for the affirmation of wine tourism in Portugal, boosting gastronomy, wines and the national tourism assets identified in the Tourism Strategy 2027 (ET27).

In this national context, the Association of Municipalities of the Douro and Tâmega (AMDT), as part of the action objectives assigned to its BTinova project, has encouraged innovation and competitiveness in the region, based on the promotion of endogenous resources, materialised in the “Verde Sentido” Wine and Gastronomy Route, which, together with dozens of tour operators in the region, has promoted this area as an eco-tourism destination that stands out for the quality of its landscape, gastronomy and Vinho Verde wines.

The event has been structured with this great goal in mind: to raise the profile of the Douro and Tâmega regions, and to confirm them as a wine tourism territory of excellence, benefiting from their proximity to Porto, one of the European capitals of the Great Wine Capitals.

In addition to a day of conferences, another day will be dedicated to visits/experiences by the speakers, in order to create synergies and partnership relationships that will help the Douro and Tâmega to establish itself as a destination of excellence in the field of wine tourism.

Wine Tourism conference Verde Sentido announcment


Download the Press Release here: Verde Sentido Conference PR


AMDT – Association of Douro and Tâmega Municipalities

Casa da Portela – Rua Dr Miguel Pinto Martins, 35

4600-090 Amarante

+351 255 437 470 /    m. +351 937 909 469<