Quinta da Avessada is located in the centre of the Douro demarcated region at its highest point (at an altitude of 600 meters) and the flattest point in the whole region (about 1,000ha of plateau), consisting of four buildings (one of them is one hundred years old) and 25ha of planting. Due to this, 90% of its plantation is destined to the production of Muscat grapes, with which Moscatel de Favaios is produced, and is designated a national apéritif. It is the Wine-Growing Village of Favaios with about 1,000 inhabitants that gives name to this wine. Today the production of this liqueur is exclusive to Adega Cooperativa de Favaios but all this production had its beginning in Quinta da Avessada. With the intention of preserving the culture and history of this wine, we rebuilt and refurbished the entire Quinta so we could show visitors the beginning of this wine so famous in Portugal.

- Opening Hours: Morning, Lunch, Afternoon, Evening
- Opening Days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturday mornings, Saturday Afternoons, Saturday Evenings, Sunday mornings, Sunday Afternoons, Sunday Evenings
- Months Closed: –
- Languages Spoken: English, French, portuguese
- Guided Tours: Guided
- Wine Tasting Provided: Yes
- Groups Accepted: Yes
- Appointments Necessary: Individuals No, Groups Yes
- Wine Information Center: –
- Wine / Gift Shop: Yes
- Disabled Facilities: Yes
- Food Facilities: Yes
- Accommodation: No
- Conference Facilities: Yes
- Special Events Facilities: Yes