Aug 30, 2024

The wine tastes even better with ‘munkel’!

When Christoph Lösch hosts the popular ‘Munkel wine tasting’, it's not about spreading rumours - that's the real meaning of the word ‘munkeln’. Instead, it's about enjoying delicious Rhine-Hessian tapas with eight different wines. ‘Munkel’ is a Rhine-Hessian word and means a little something to eat. When it comes to wine events, the master winemaker from Worms is very creative: ‘Tischlein-Deck-Dich’ (‘The Wishing-Table’) in the vineyard. He offers a stroll through 2000 years of wine history in historic Worms. Besides visitors can enjoy a ‘walking wine tasting’ along the vines in the vineyard or a herb hike through the vineyards. Christoph Lösch never runs out of ideas. ‘People should smell, see and taste the landscape and the wine!’ is his message.
A new start as a winery

In 2014, the Rhine-Hessian native took over the typical regional mixed agricultural business from his parents. The former tithe farm of the Worms Cistercians was secularised in 1806, and since then the winegrower’s ancestors have managed the buildings, which were first mentioned in the 15th century. Christoph Lösch reorganised the business and concentrated entirely on viticulture. Although the estate produced good quality wines, it was still largely unknown as a pure wine estate.

He needed a new concept to market the wines from 17.5 hectares of vineyards. The master winemaker found it with his varied and innovative wine events. ‘I love variety – every wine is close to my heart!’ is his credo. Half white and half red wine varieties: he cultivates classic Rhine-Hessian white wine grape varieties such as Riesling, Silvaner, Burgundy, Gewürztraminer and Huxelrebe on different soils around Worms. The reds include Dornfelder, Pinot Noir, Portugieser as well as Frühburgunder and St. Laurent.

Innovative wine events

It needs different approachesto bring this extensive range closer to different customers. Personal involvement in customer-related wine events is the ideal strategy for Christoph. In winter, the Rhein-Hessian native presents his wines at wine fairs. While in the warmer months of the year, you can find him and his wines at countless customer events. He can also be found regularly at the market winegrowers’ stall at the weekly market in Worms. Out of attachment to his homeland he reactivated a classic wine offering the famous ‘Liebfraumilch’ as a traditionally flavoured cuvée. For the design of the label he won an award in 2017. It shows the sculpture of the ‘Wonnefrau’ in his vineyards.


Grape varieties of yesteryear

He cultivates historical grape varieties such as Weißer Traminer, Grünfränkisch, Fränkischer Burgunder and Blauer Muskateller on a total of one hectare. Visitors can find the historical grape varieties grown in a show vineyard next to the old city wall, the oldest in Europe. Christoph Lösch aims to preserve the genetic potential for posterity. And does the busy winegrower ever get to relax? ‘At the ‘Wine and sweet delicacies’ event in our wine vault, for example, with candied ginger covered in dark chocolate and a Pinot Gris – I can relax and enjoy it!’

The prize for the Great Wine Capitals Best of Wine Tourism Award 2024 in the ‘Wine Tourism – Service’ category goes to Weingut Klosterhof. The jury was impressed by the all-round service for visitors interested in wine.

More information

To learn more about the winery visit website.

About the blogger

TV- and wine journalist Wolfgang Junglas is responsible for tv broadcasts such as “The Election of the German Wine Queen” in the entertainment editorial department at SWR Television in Mainz. He is also a writer, president of Weinfeder e. V., president of FIJEV and lecturer at Geisenheim University, Geisenheim.

Learn more about Rheinhessen and its wine capital Mainz in their page: Mainz | Rheinhessen