Jul 07, 2024

Cave Couronne 1669

Welcome to the ancient Fortress of Murten!

The wall towards the lake is 1 of the first defending walls first mentioned in the 11th century.

The wood on top of the window is dated 1257!

More walls had been built behind this one to gain more square meters towards the lake.

On the right-hand side, we have typical medieval firewalls.

They are very thick to protect both sides from fire.

In the upper parts we see openings to allow air traffic. So they had been able to hear and smell your neighbors, but not see them.

The wall towards the old town is made out of sand stone. They have a light red color which comes from the big fire in 1416. The whole old town – manly out of wood – burnt down. Small metal particles in the stone became very hot. When cooling down the water of condensation produced rust. There are 2 small medieval fridges to see in the wall as well and traces of an in-between ceiling to stock corn or flour upstairs and wine or oil downstairs.

Traces of a middle floor we find on 2 sides. This wood construction was used to hang up meat cuts or entire smaller slaughter cattle.

Further right we have traces of an old wine cellar around the end of the 19th century.

In the 70ties a pyromaniac cook set fire twice in the attic of the crown hotel. As fire men used a lot of water the stability of the basement was a problem. A quick re enforcement in form of steel and concrete as built in. Nowadays we know that the old wood (oak and spruce) is able to support ten times more than today.

On the same side further right we present you the Vully treasure. This “Tresor” contains the reference wines of all 24 commercial wine producers. They are known for their creativity and hard work. So we already have a good number of biodynamic and Demeter producers.

Also this wine tasting contains only these healthy wines!

©Cave Couronne 1669