Jun 05, 2024

Open wine cellars attract great interest in Switzerland

They are a fixture on every Swiss wine lover's agenda: the open wine cellars. In May 2024, winegrowers once again welcomed guests to pour the latest wines.

Swiss winegrowers have been opening their wine cellars in May for over 20 years. Thousands of interested wine lovers then flock to the six wine regions of Switzerland: Valais, Vaud, German-speaking Switzerland, Geneva, Ticino and Three Lakes. Here, visitors can taste the wines of the new vintage and make personal contact with the producers. The open wine cellars are a fixture on every Swiss wine lover’s agenda!


Festive atmosphere in Valais

In Valais, visitors were able to taste over 55 grape varieties in 230 wine cellars. Gérard-Philippe Mabillard, Director of Swiss Wine Valais, particularly praised the festive atmosphere and the good turnout, including young people. The event was not only an opportunity for winegrowers to share their passion, but also to boost their sales, as many orders were placed for the wines presented.


Great success in Vaud

Over 90,000 visitors attended the open wine cellars in Vaud, despite unstable weather conditions. More than 260 winegrowers presented their new wines. Benjamin Gehrig, Director of the Office des Vins Vaudois, emphasised the economic impact of the event on the catering and hotel industries.


Record participation in German-speaking Switzerland

A record was set in German-speaking Switzerland with 224 participating wineries opening their doors to over 60,000 visitors. Thanks to the good weather and the established tradition, many people came to taste local wines and talk to winemakers. The free tastings also attracted new customers.


An outstanding vintage in Geneva

In Geneva, the 35th edition of the Open Wine Cellar Day attracted over 25,000 visitors. 78 wineries presented their wines to the numerous, curious and cosmopolitan guests. Accompanied by sunny weather and ideal temperatures, visitors were able to savour the outstanding 2023 vintage.


Growing popularity in the Three-Lakes Region

In Neuchâtel, 34 wineries took part in the event and over 2,700 tickets were sold, an increase on the previous year. The event also helped to revitalise tourism, as several dozen hotel rooms were reserved as part of the ‘Open Wine Cellars’ offer.

The winegrowers on Lake Biel were also satisfied: they were able to maintain existing customer contacts and gain many new customers. A new service in the form of a shuttle bus between the winegrowing villages was well received.


An unforgettable experience in Ticino

In Ticino, the ‘Cantine Aperte’ event returned for two consecutive weekends. At the 24th edition, 76 wineries offered tastings of over 500 wines. In addition to the tastings, special events and activities were organised to offer visitors an unforgettable experience.


Overall, the Open Wine Cellars 2024, which are a fixture on every Swiss wine lover’s agenda, were a complete success in all the wine regions mentioned. They helped to promote local viticulture and the regional economy.


Text by Carmen Stalder, Swiss Wine Promotion
Photo Credit: Office des Vins Vaudois